Meta Signals Pro

Improve your Trading-Profits
with the best reviewed tools

Beginner, advanced or expert Traders, profit from our ready to use algos, indicators, screeners and trade-managers.

+1500 happy traders

What we do

We LOVE algos and trading. We propose new ideas to the community.

Universal Indicators

Plug them on any of your favorite assets:
Index, Forex, Cryptos

Powerfull Screeners

More of a sniper-Trader? Trade only the best configuration

Automated Systems

Get parasite emotions out of the picture and control your risk

Coding Services

We can code
(almost) anything

What People Are Saying

chen7891June 12, 2023
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Great job, it is a perfect indicator, complemented with a basic knowledge of candlestick patterns and momentum indicators, allows you to see a very precise trend.
José Luis
José LuisMay 26, 2023
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Since I started using the TrendDecoder Screener, my trading experience has improved exponentially. This trading indicator has proven to be a powerful, versatile, and extremely useful tool in detecting market trends. Its high level of efficiency and accuracy has become an indispensable resource for my trading strategy.
carlo.155March 24, 2023
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ndicatore di grande aiuto. Utilizzato insieme allo screener nell’identificare il prezzo di ingresso offre risultati veramente positivi. Dopo un paio di giorni di prova per capirne il potenziale sono riuscito a ottimizzare gli ingressi nella mia strategia. 5stelle meritate. L’assistenza risponde in WApp ed molto tempestiva. Complimenti!
tavallartJune 27, 2023
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Indicateur très performant et grand professionnalisme de la part du vendeur Je recommande fortement !
HeyMarch 13, 2023
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Hello, I bought this indicator reading the description and the reviews. I started to use it and it is a very good indicator. It is easy to use, dynamic, it helps to detect the new trends, the continuation patterns in a multi timeframe context.
Yaseen Abbas
Yaseen AbbasFebruary 17, 2023
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This product is amazing one of the best indicator for trend trading customer services A+ the owner is very helpful in answering any questions that you may have Guys if you are trend traders then this indicator is must
RolandNovember 28, 2022
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L’indicateur parfait. D’une lecture visuelle impressionnante au premier coup d’œil. Utilisation très facile, tout comme l’installation et la prise en main. Une bonne lecture du mode d’emploi s’impose 5 étoiles sans problème.
sebNovember 20, 2022
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Indicateur impressionnant , très facile à utiliser et lecture visible . je le recommande et l’équipe est très réactive et professionnelle .
glemarhadourAugust 26, 2022
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un des meilleurs indicateurs que j’ai pu voir, prédictif , celui ci peut fonctionner sur tous les TimeFrame , je préfère un TM de 1H ou 2H , et surtout sur toutes les valeurs. Exceptionnel vraiment
AngelApril 3, 2022
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Hola a todos. Me parece un indicador de los mas completo. Muy interesante la formación de las Greybox para analizar si continua la tentencia o hay reversión del precio. Digamos que facilita información limpia sin el ruido del mercado. Se complementa perfectamente con otros indicadores . Angel

Step #1

Select only the right and powerful Trends

Avoid being stuck in Ranges

Trading is Timing !
With TrendDECODER by Meta Signals Pro, stop being too early or too late trading the Trend or getting stuck in a Range.

Trading is Timing !
With the TrendDECODER Screener by Meta Signal Pro, stop being too early or too late trading the Trend and getting stuck in Ranges.

Step #2

Profit from Double Tops and Bottoms

Maximize your win rate

Scalp it and run!
With BladeSCALPER by Meta Signals Pro, you will slice a small chunk of these predictible M & W moves!
Plug it on your favorite asset, take the profit and run away from the crowd.

Scalp it and run!
With BladeSCALPER and its screener by Meta Signals Pro, you will slice a small chunk of these predictible M & W moves!
Select the best assets in the exact configuration you want to trade: New ScalpUP / ScalpDOWN Signals
Take the profit and run away from the crowd.

Step #3

See the PowerZONES the market will test

Optimize your Take-Profits

With the PowerZones© by Meta Signals Pro,  get instantly the zones where the price will probably get attracted to and adapt the level of density and the strength of the Zones you want to have whether you are a scalper a swing trader or an investor.

Step #4

Automate your trade plan

and cancel parasite emotions that destroy your performances

Inspired by whales’s  strategies! 

👉 minimizing risk ,  capitalizing on the organic growth of indexes, focusing on the DAX40 (growth and volatility)

Built for robustness!

👉 simplified strategy to the maximum, based on the strongest statistical edge to offer the highest win rate

The missing brick for DayTraders! 

At last a tool made-to-mesure that allows you to execute automatically your trade plans safely, with no stress, and to focus on the next move not on the current one.

The missing brick for SwingTraders ! 

At last a tool made-to-mesure that allows you to trade your OWN plans safely, with no stresswithout being in front of the screen(s).

Want more backtested algos?

Get the best free & paid algo trading strategies

More than 250 strategies back-tested and ranked by their performances from 0 to 4

Custom Scripts

Got ideas ? We've got the skills.

We are here to help you code your concepts and ideas

What we can code
  • Automatic trading system
  • Custom indicators
  • Market screeners
  • Translation of program of any trading platform to another
  • Analysis and debugging of codes

Contact us through the Chat !

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